GC.RW. Prancenpaws Booster Shot, DM
PER e 33 creampoint |
CH.Frenchcreek Right Shot of Twinshire
PER a 33 bluepoint |
GC. Twinshire Snap Shot of Sangralee
PER a 33 bluepoint |
Twinshire Katrinka of Pentagram
PER g 33 bluecreampoint |
Prancenpaws Ivy
PER e (33) cream |
GC.Madame Nu Good Vibes of Prancenpaws
PER e 33 creampoint |
Lotsapurr Paper Doll
PER d (33) red |
Prancenpaws Taffeta, DM
PER f 33 sealtortiepoint |
Playwickey Commander of Prancenpaws
PER n 33 sealpoint |
GC.Powelcat´s Punjab of Playwickey
PER a 33 bluepoint |
CH. Playwikey´s Lalique
PER f 33 sealtortiepoint
CH. Prancenpaws Demitasse
PER f 33 sealtortiepoint |
GC.RW. Prancenpaws Booster Shot, DM
PER e 33 creampoint |
Agonistes Popover of Prancenpaws
PER n 33 sealpoint |
GC.RW. Prancenpaws Steinway
PER d 33 flamepoint |
GC.RW. Prancenpaws Booster Shot, DM
PER e 33 creampoint |
CH.Frenchcreek Right Shot of Twinshire
PER a 33 bluepoint |
Prancenpaws Ivy
PER e (33) cream |
Prancenpaws Taffeta, DM
PER f 33 sealtortiepoint |
Playwickey Commander of Prancenpaws
PER n 33 sealpoint |
CH. Prancenpaws Demitasse
PER f 33 sealtortiepoint |
Prancenpaws Rebecca
PER f 33 sealtortiepoint |
GC.RW. Prancenpaws Booster Shot, DM
PER e 33 creampoint |
CH.Frenchcreek Right Shot of Twinshire
PER a 33 bluepoint |
Prancenpaws Ivy
PER e (33) cream |
Anoited´s Shades-of-Grace
PER f 33 sealtortiepoint |
CH. Anoited´s Standing Ovation
PER n 33 sealpoint |
CH. 4 Him Beauty From Ashes
PER f 33 sealtortiepoint